January 5, 2008

Episode guide now available!!

Alice from Berkeley wrote to me:
I love Oobi! I TiVo'd every time it was on and watched it obsessively! It was a fantastic program. I thought the messages were wonderful, the stories well told, and the characters lovable (come on, how can you not adore Grampu with his "lovely" voice). I don't believe they are making new episodes any longer and it's a shame! That just leaves me with "Jack's Big Music Show"! I was wondering if there is a list of Oobi episodes somewhere? Noggin's website doesn't list them and I'd like to know if I've seen them all!
It took a while, but now we have an up-to-date episode guide! It lists every episode from seasons one and two, plus the shorts! Check it out here! (Click the link)