January 25, 2008


Have a question about Oobi? Or maybe you'd like to share a memory, a picture, or a video about Oobi? Well, now you can send it to the blog! Just shoot me a message at:

grampusblog @ aol.com

January 12, 2008

Oobi on eBay

Sblaydes from Canada asked where to get Oobi Eyes if you're outside the United States.

OobiEyes.com doesn't ship internationally yet, so you could look for alternatives on eBay. There are two good options on there that do ship to Canada and abroad: Peepers Puppets (aka the "Oobi-Like" Eyes) and the eyes from Tadpoles1010's Shop, which are homemade eyes made to look like Oobi and Uma.

They may not be the most accurate but they sure are cute!

January 5, 2008

Episode guide now available!!

Alice from Berkeley wrote to me:
I love Oobi! I TiVo'd every time it was on and watched it obsessively! It was a fantastic program. I thought the messages were wonderful, the stories well told, and the characters lovable (come on, how can you not adore Grampu with his "lovely" voice). I don't believe they are making new episodes any longer and it's a shame! That just leaves me with "Jack's Big Music Show"! I was wondering if there is a list of Oobi episodes somewhere? Noggin's website doesn't list them and I'd like to know if I've seen them all!
It took a while, but now we have an up-to-date episode guide! It lists every episode from seasons one and two, plus the shorts! Check it out here! (Click the link)