September 3, 2007

Theater! - (almost) FULL episode

Theater! - aka the Little Red Riding Hood musical - is one of the most popular Oobi episodes. Kids, parents, and college students alike all seem to agree that if you're gonna watch Oobi, you can't miss this one! The episode is a ton of fun and the little songs are just darling. The way the writers and the performers made an entire musical with 2-3-word sentences is pretty amazing, too.

Anyway, I just got a question from tosei-10 about the song lyrics from this episode. I then realized: the full songs aren't on YouTube! This was a real shame since most of the other Oobi songs are on there, in varying levels of quality... so I took it upon myself to record the episode!

Here it is... sorry the video isn't great. It cuts out at a few parts. But hey, the audio is pretty good-- it gets the job done!