May 15, 2009

UPDATE: More fan pages and my new blog!

I was checking the pageviews again and it looks like the Oobi info posts get way more clicks than my personal story pages. I guess most of you are following mainly for updates and news about Oobi!

So I'm going to turn this blog into an Oobi fansite. I won't change much-- I'll just add more non-blog pages with photos, info, downloads and more. So instead of just a blog, this will be a one-stop spot for Oobi goodness!!

Here is a rundown of the non-blog pages so far:

I'm also starting up a new blog where I'll put my ramblings about parenting and the library. Give it a follow if you want to keep up! Check it out here!! (Click link)

May 9, 2009

Watching Oobi

JessicaE148 sent me this clip of her kids watching Oobi. Apparently it's universal-- kids love the "Dirty!" song that Uma sings!