December 28, 2008

Q&A: Is Oobi still being made?

Another question I see a lot online: is Oobi still being made? Noggin doesn't make it clear when their shows end.

The answer? No, it's not. The last premiere episode was the Valentine's Day episode which aired way back in February 2005. Since then it's just been rerun after rerun! There are 52 segments in total of the full-length show, plus around 50 shorts (nobody really knows for sure).

But hope isn't lost for more Oobi. It recently started airing internationally, and new foreign-language dubs crop up every once and a while... who knows, maybe foreign demand will get Noggin to order more Oobi!!

December 5, 2008

Q&A: Where are Oobi and Uma's parents?

silver_faerie wrote to me:
...where in the world are Oobi and Uma's parents? Did they ever address this issue? If they have I must have missed it. Not a big deal but I alway's wondered. Any insight would be cool.
The answer? Their parents are never mentioned on the show, not even in passing. Personally, I really like how Grampu is their only guardian. Lots of kids grow up without two parents, and it's nice to see some representation of a non-traditional family on a show that so many little kids enjoy.

It's interesting to note that we actually see a photo of baby Oobi and Uma in the background of a few episodes. Grampu is younger in the picture -- with a sleek head of hair! -- but no parents in sight. So for all those Oobi analysts out there, we do know that Grampu's been taking care of his grandkids since they were babies.